Check digits using Mod 97

Insert a number, for example 32130506172.

An example:

Number 9931.

9931= 100*97 +2*100+31

 231=2*97+37 (repeat, until the remainder is less than 97)

100*37/97=38,14, remainder=14


The check characters are  84.

Check the result: 993184 : 97=10239+1/97 or  (10239,01) ; remainder is  1.



Mod 97 procedure in  F#


module Mod97=

open System

//split the input string in chunks of length 11 (or less)

let noIter (inputString:string)=Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(0.49+ Convert.ToDouble(inputString.Length)/11.0,0))

let maxLen num=if num>=11 then 11 else num

let split11 (inputString:string)=List.init (noIter inputString) (fun i->

          inputString.Substring(11*i,(maxLen ((inputString.Length - 11*i)))) )

//power function

let powDec (n:int) (x:int)= Convert.ToDouble( Math.Pow( Convert.ToDouble(x) ,Convert.ToDouble(n)))

//remaind function

let rem (num:double) =

let num97=(num)*100.0/97.0


//division procedure, p.e. 9931= 100*97 +2*100+31; 231=2*97+37;

//100*37/97=38.14, remainder=14, 98-14=84; mod97=84

let remainder inputString=

let remaind split11 inputString=List.fold_left (fun (acc:double) (h:string)-> rem ((Math.Round( acc*97.0,0)*

         (powDec (h. Length-2) 10))+Convert.ToDouble(h))) 0.0 (split11 inputString)    

((98.0-Math.Round((remaind split11 inputString)*97.0,0)).ToString ())









Avtors: Josip Zohil, Velibor Djukić, Miloš Pantić